Join a film club

In order to attend screenings in a film club, you will need to become a member. You may register here in the film club of your choice. Please note: You your membership will only be active once your payment has been registered by your local club.  

How to become a member, a step by step guide

  1. Visit The site is only available in Norwegian for the moment.
  2. Find the film club where you want to become a member, and hit «Neste».
  3. Fill in the form that pops up. First name, last name, phone number and email address are mandatory. Adding your year of birth is optional.
  4. Hit send.

You have now registered your details with the film club. The next time you attend a screening, the film club will ask you to complete your registration by paying for your membership. Your membership is only fully active once the club has checked off your membership as paid. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that you may chose to keep for future reference, which also states the date at which your membership ends. 

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Why do I have to become a member?

A film club operates differently from a regular cinema, as it relies on membership. By becoming a member, you support a volunteer-driven organisation that screens films for the benefit of the local community. The membership is valid for a limited period, and does not renew automatically. The film club is attached to Norsk filmklubbforbund (The Norwegian Federation of film societies), and uses their membership system. 

What does it cost? 

Prices vary from club to club. Check with the film club you want to join – prices are usually stated on their website / social media. All film clubs strive for affordable membership fees for all, and the more screenings you attend, the more you get for your money.

Can I join multiple clubs?

There is no need to register for several film clubs at a time. As a registered member of one film club, your membership includes member-access to all other film clubs within the Norsk filmklubbforbund-network. When visiting a different film club than your own, ask to be looked up with your phone number. Only your local film club can see your details and change them, if necessary.

I can’t find the club I want to join

Is the film club registered with Norsk filmklubbforbund? Only our film clubs use this site to register members. If you can’t find the club you want to join, please contact Filmklubbforbundet at nfk (at), and we will help you. 

The system says I’m already registered with this email address

That means you are already registered, and do not need to do it again. The next time you visit the film club, they will be able to find you in their system and see if you have paid. 

I want to register my children in a children’s film club. Do they need their own email addresses?

In childrens’ film clubs, kids are registered members, and parents are their +1s. Cool, right? That means you need to pay for one membership per child when you attend the first screening. When registering, please enter the guardian’s name, email, phone number and year of birth. You will then be able to register each child by clicking the «Legg til et barn»-button. We only require the child’s name and year of birth. You can add several children per guardian. Please note that this way of registering children only applies to childrens film clubs. 

I can’t remember if my membership is still valid. 

Look for a confirmation email from «». The membership is only valid if your film club has registered your payment. If you can’t find a confirmation email, or if you are unsure if you have registered, contact your film club and they will be able to check for you.

I want to be deleted from the system

Contact your film club, and they will be able to help. 

What perks are there by being a member of a film club? 

There are many film clubs all over Norway that are registered with Norsk filmklubbforbund. If you are a member of one of these film clubs, you get the membership price at all of them. It varies how much it costs to watch a film at a film club, so some places you will get to watch the film for free, other places you will pay a small membership price for the ticket. Se a full list of our film clubs here

Also, as a film club member, you get

a discount on Z Film Quarterly (Z filmtidsskrift), the film journal published by Norsk filmklubbforbund in Norwegian four times a year

– a discount on our annual filmseminar that happens in Oslo each autumn.